"I was surprised that none of the PPP leadership went to the Quaid's mazaar on his 132nd birth anniversary."
"They all trooped to Benazir's mazaar."
"Yes and I don't blame them - she was their leader and she is responsible for where they are sitting today but my point is the holiday was for the Quaid's birth anniversary so shouldn't they have also trooped down to Karachi? I mean it's not as if they had to drive there themselves or do anything strenuous."
"True they could have taken a helicopter or a plane or whatever. They can divert planes wherever and whenever they want - I mean it's not as if they have to take a commercial flight which could be tiring."
"Indeed I agree. And it wasn't even Benazir's death anniversary."
"Security concerns make it imperative that the PPP leadership not be there when their grass root supporters arrive at the mazaar."
"But would the grass root Jiyala who has made it possible for them to live in palatial official residences in Islamabad appreciate their security concerns?"
"I don't think so. I wouldn't if I were a Jiyala."
"You know I am not a Jiyala either but I couldn't help the tears flowing when Benazir was so cruelly assassinated. And whether you were a supporter or not we all felt for her family at the time."
"But ten months down the line and I don't feel good about her party's leadership."
"It's not her party anymore, or so say those loyal to her and now sitting in the back benches state."
"But some of those have discredited themselves."
"If you mean Amin Fahim, I agree. He buckled under just so he and his family can materially benefit."
"Sad that. But Fahim was duly elected February 18. With his being discredited he may not win the next elections so how will the PPP come back to power?"
"And those surrounding the President are the unelected so I guess there is a problem."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2009


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